Thursday, May 9, 2013

so big so fast

my little girl dosnt seem so little anymore shes almost walking shes "talking" shes scowling  which is very funny to see every day she amazes me with something new sticking her tongue out  learning how to throw a temper tantrum sticking out her lower lip and looking at you hoping that you will save her from getting in trouble for doing something she knows she shouldn't do

 like playing with cords lol even though its so much fun lol she sleeps like i do she will fall asleep laying on her back but 30 minutes later will be on the other side of the bed turned around in direction and on her stomach .

she pushes my buttons but has taught me so much patience shes made me realize i will do anything to make sure she has whats she needs and wants toys that make to much noise and sippy cups that are pink and girly clothes that she wont fit into for 6 monthes but are so cute you cant pass them up ,i may not be perfect but i know i am a good mom because i have always done what i had to to make sure she is happy and taken care of