Friday, April 18, 2014

oh how things have changed

im 23 a mom ,pregnant with my second child and going through a divorce now could i sound anymore like s soap opera yea it sucks i wish i could change it all but i cant i have to keep moving dont let them see me cry be the mom my daughter and unborn child deserve i want nothing but happiness for him but i want to be happy to i just hope that God gives me that happiness sooner rather then later and yes i know when the timing is right it will happen but i want to feel what i felt 5 years ago but i know that God is putting me through this so that i know i can make it on my own that i am strong on my own and my daughter and child deserve only the best not just what makes mommy happy i dont know what will happen from here on out but it can only get better .life is what you make it and right now i have to make life good i deserve good i deserve happy