Sunday, April 22, 2012

long time no post

as i sit in bed at 1 am with my daughter sleeping one one side of me and my fiancee on the other i cant help think of how much my life has changed in the passed 3 years more less the last 2 weeks, nearly 3 years ago i met the man i will soon call my husband but i have for a while called my soul mate ,and i met him only by chance through a friend of a friend kind of thing and for some reason i felt drawn to someone i normally might not have,and i knew after only a short time he was someone i should hold on tight to and i did and though we have not had the most conventional relationship i have never felt more happy,secure,or safe with someone i know that no matter what he would never hurt me,he has always put me first before himself and i only hope that i can make him feel as loved as i do. i cant ask for anything more then i have now i wouldn't change anything about my life no i don't live in the greatest house,but i have a home no,i don't have my dream job,but i have a job,no i don't have money to blow,but i am able to pay my bills i may not have the life others may want me to,but i have the life that makes me happy.i may be tired,my hair may be messy and i may not look as put together as i used to,but my heart couldn't be happier i am a mom and wife.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

week 1 of our life as a family

well one week ago i had the most precious little girl and on Easter we got to come home as a family and it has been great . i went to the doctor wensday to find out that one of my stitches broke down and i would need surgery which i will have this coming wensday at Scott&white hopefully this surgery will resolve the soreness and any tears. i was also told by the doctor that should i choose to have another baby unless i have premature labor and the baby is 6lbs or smaller it will be an automatic c-section ,although i wish they had known how big she was so i could have had a c-section and not been in so much pain but either way i have my little girl and i couldn't be happier then i am now i will do what ever it takes to make sure my daughter has everything she will ever need and i will do anything to make sure she is happy.

Friday, April 6, 2012

4-5-12 the day my life changed forever

i got the call Wednesday evening that i was being induced due to pre-eclamsa and so i called tony and we got together my and the baby's bag and headed in that was the beginning of a very long but worth while adventure .i got to the hospital and the put me on magnisium for the pre elclampsia and pitocin to induce labor ,i knew athena would be big but i didnt think she was going to be as big as she is .at first things were going slow to the point where it was Thursday eveing with slow progress then as soon as all my family and friends left things started moving faster i went from a 6 to an 8 in a matter of maybe an hour and a half i was excited and in pain so i opted for the epidural i thought i could last longer but i only lasted till i was about 4 cm im not as tough as i thought i was lol .i finally made it to 10 cm about 830pm they told me it was time to push but all we had to do is wait for the doctor to show up because she likes to be there through the whole pushing progress well little did i know and i wouldn't figure out till the next day my epidural needle had feel out on its own so i when it wore off i was out of luck and didn't know it all i knew was that something was wrong because i could feel everything when pushing then i was finally able to get her very large head out i didn't know it but her shoulders were getting stuck so the doctor had to cut me to try and get the baby out which then caused two more tears and the worst part was not that i felt as though i was a failure as a mother because i couldn't push my child out but when they were cutting me and telling me to push and then all of a sudden two nurses were on top of me pushing on my stomach pressing down trying to get my daughter out i felt as though i had lost all control and if it wasn't for tony being there the whole time holding my hand and telling me that i could do this and he believed in me i know for sure i wouldn't have made it through what happened i felt as though my body was being ripped apart and there was nothing i could do to stop it or help bring my daughter into this world but tony told me its ok you can do it and so i prayed to god that no madder what just save my little girl and tell me what to do and the next thing i knew they had pulled Athena out and were doing what ever it is they do and were stitching be up  and i felt all of that as well.tony went to check on Athena and it wasn't till Friday morning that i actually got to see my little girl and even though she is having her ups and downs which can you blame her she had a heck of a entrance i feel that i am beyond blessed i have a beautiful daughter and an amazing fiance and together we are a family we may not be the typical family but we are a family none the less and i couldn't feel happier then i am at this point and time if i knew what was going to happen would i do it again yes i mean i would most definitely insist upon a c-section but i would do anything for my little girl even going through the pain of tearing and stitches and walking funny i love you Anthony Michael Degel and Athena Marie Degel you are my life and i couldn't be happier