Friday, April 18, 2014

oh how things have changed

im 23 a mom ,pregnant with my second child and going through a divorce now could i sound anymore like s soap opera yea it sucks i wish i could change it all but i cant i have to keep moving dont let them see me cry be the mom my daughter and unborn child deserve i want nothing but happiness for him but i want to be happy to i just hope that God gives me that happiness sooner rather then later and yes i know when the timing is right it will happen but i want to feel what i felt 5 years ago but i know that God is putting me through this so that i know i can make it on my own that i am strong on my own and my daughter and child deserve only the best not just what makes mommy happy i dont know what will happen from here on out but it can only get better .life is what you make it and right now i have to make life good i deserve good i deserve happy 

Friday, January 31, 2014

no more birth control

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ok so since it is pretty much going to come out anyway . i had my implanon taken out i was having so many issues from it mainly because i had it put in very soon after having my daughter and didn't let my body go back to normal hormonal wise and since having it taken out iv had alot less issues, all the ones that were making everyday things hard or unbearable are gone . so now to answer the next obvious question what are you doing for birth control now ? well im NOT i have been through almost every type of birth control that is on the market and haven't found one that works for me at the time so im going to leave my body alone im going to stop putting things in it that "could" have side effects that are less then desirable to say the least lol. i believe that if god wants me to have a baby i will have a baby birth control or not and hate to say it but birth control dosnt always work even when taken correctly both me and my sister are living proof of that and yes i realize that baby's and children cost money and while i haven't had the easiest time money wise in my past i work really hard my husband works really hard we don't have credit cards, we pay bills with only what we have on hand . so needless to say i have finished my vent on the matter and NO this isnt meant for just one person.and as i have said before and been told my whole life yes i will in the end do things my way .