Tuesday, July 10, 2012

3 monthes

 so my little girl is 3 months old now i cant believe the time has flown by so fast and she still amazes me every day .she even starting to sleep through the night well mostly but i dont mind 5 am feedings it gives me a little time to spend with her before the hustle and bustle of the day has started.i finally got her a bumbo so she can practice sitting up and shes about to meet her second and third cousins this weekend which is exciting and within the next month she will have her own room and i cant wait to decorate it all pink and girly the path in front of our family is long but i see the light at the end of the tunnel and i know that no madder what my family will prosper my little girl will grow up with what we never had a 2 parent family and she will never feel as though shes not loved if anything she will be loved by every person who meets her and she already is theres not a person that meets her that isnt amazed by how cute,smart,amazing and happy she is i know that in one way or the other my daughter will make the world a better place .

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